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The Secret to Career Hyper-Growth

Writer's picture: Maya GrossmanMaya Grossman

Everyone wants to have a successful career, but very few people achieve it.

On average only 9% of employees get promoted which means 91% of people stay where they are or make lateral moves.

It is not because they are not talented, or don’t have the skills or a fancy MBA. These are all door openers, but they are not required to grow your career. The reason most people don’t level up is that they are not intentional about it.

Instead of owning their career they outsource their success and wait for someone else to give them a chance.

The people who get promoted often are the ones who make it their goal. They decide they want to level up, and they do what it takes to make that goal a reality.

Career hyper-growth doesn’t happen by mistake. It happens when you upgrade your mindset, execute the right strategy and build systems for rapid growth.

The problem is no one taught you how to do that…

Until now.

A sneak peek into the promotion strategy of the 1%

I’ve coached hundreds of professionals in the last few years, and what I learned is that while they may have different roles and different titles, they follow the same playbook to get promoted. The 1% checklist for a promotion:


If I had to quantify it, success is 80% and 20% execution. Or as someone recently told me on LinkedIn “success is an inside job”.

The 1% knows that managing their mindset is key, so they invest in themselves. They build their success from the inside in. They learn to manage their fears, develop tools to manage imposter syndrome, and develop lasting confidence by taking action.

They do not let fear make their career decisions. They take control and take care of themselves.

If you want to learn more about the mindset for success you can watch my interview on LinkedIn’s Career Talks.


Most people think the hardest part of leveling up is figuring out the “HOW”.

It’s not. The HOW is easy. You can Google it, you can talk to experts, you can get a mentor, you can talk to people who have the job you want to have and they will give you the details.

But because most people are intimidated by the unknown, they avoid putting together a plan. They prefer to stumble in the dark and hope they will find their way.

The 1% approach is the exact opposite. They get laser-focused on the role they want and learn everything they can about it. They understand the requirements, they assess their own gaps and they prioritize what to work on. That way, every day when they go to work they have a roadmap. They know how to spend their time and prioritize their work, they know which projects to invest in and which ones to delegate, they know who their stakeholders are and they nurture those relationships.

Instead of working aimlessly to achieve someone else’s goals, they align their career goals with the company's needs and create a powerful synergy. Their strategy gets them closer to a promotion while benefiting the company.

You can learn how to create and execute your own career strategy here.


In a recent interview with Tom Bilyeu, Alex Hormozi, the multi-millionaire entrepreneur, outlined the traits of highly successful people:

  • They are capable of focusing on one thing

  • They can consistently execute that one thing even when it gets boring

Consistency is what makes the difference between people who make a living and those who can make high 6 figures. Consistency is the key in business and in your career.

Most people give up way too quickly. They try once and if they are not immediately successful they assume they are just not good enough, and move on. They give up on their dreams and settle for less.

But success is not an overnight achievement. It builds for years. The 1% knows that consistency breeds success. They build systems of accountability to stay committed and execute even when things get boring and repetitive and they can’t see the end in sight. They understand success is a long game, not a sprint and they keep going.

Don't believe me?

I recently crossed 100K followers on Linkedin (!). That brought up a lot of requests to know how I was able to grow such a big community.

The answer was simple: consistency.

I posted 5 times per day for 5 months before I saw real traction.

Most people just give up after posting once or twice without seeing results.


Who you surround yourself with can have a massive impact on your success. If you hang out with people who have low ambition and no aspirations, you may feel like you should dream smaller. If you surround yourself with people who are one step ahead of you or going through the same challenge you’ll be inspired and motivated. You’ll be encouraged to dream bigger, do more and achieve more.

The 1% understand the power of your environment. They join masterminds and groups of like-minded A-players and high achievers who have big career goals. They get empowered by seeing others strive for more and they get a constant reminder that their dreams are worth fighting for.

This is the career hyper-growth checklist:

1. Mindset

2. Strategy

3. Consistent execution

4. Environment As you can see, this approach applies across industries, roles, and levels of seniority. It’s how high achievers consistently set themselves up for success, get promoted, and earn more.

You can do it too!

Career hyper-growth doesn’t happen by mistake. You need to make it happen. You can make a decision today to start acting like the 1% so you can accelerate your career growth, be amongst the few who get promoted, and build a successful career.

Or you can look back in December 2023 and realize you are exactly where you started…

The choice is yours.


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